It’s day four of the creation of Huichol Beaded prayer bowls, or jicaras. This art is made using smaller beads, often called micro beads, that are not as available in Mexico. As a result the art is extremely detailed and amazing. The bowls themselves are cut from the bottoms of gourds.
To see beaded bowls that are available for purchase click here where you will see a good selection, each one of them wonderful and unique.
First, the bowl is cut from the bottom of the gourd, dried thoroughly and the inside is made smooth. Then campeche, a beeswax mixture, is spread thinly on the surface of the inside of the bowl. The application of beads is now progressing.
The two bowls can be seen together, still unfinished but with all the main symbols in place. Then more beautiful beading is done between them. All the beads are placed at the same level which makes a smooth surface and no beeswax will be visible. Sometimes folks think the design is painted until they realize they are beads! The artist is shown with seven of his large bowls. Each symbol has meaning to the Huichols and the pieces tell a story. His artistry and skill is truly unsurpassed!
Join us tomorrow for day 5 where the beading continues.
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