The design of this T shirt is taken from a created by the Huichol Indian artist Guadalupe de la Cruz Carrillo.
Here is artist’s description of the art:
The wolf is venerated by the Huichol for his wisdom. Seldom now seen in the Huichol Sierra, the wolves keep to the most secluded areas of the forest away from the roads and communities. Many Huichol believe their ancestors were wolves and many Huichol shaman seek the guidance of wolves in their search for knowledge. Some Huichol say that there are shaman who take the form of wolves.
This carved and beaded piece represents the magical aspects of the wolf. The peyote on the nose and forehead, the brilliant dancing deer on the brow, the maize along the ridge of the nose and the two scorpion guardians together with the butterflies, flowers and crabs create a harmony with the strength and intelligence of this animal spirit guide.
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